Just for today God: My favrt Poem

Just for today God

Just for today Oh Lord take me from the wrong ways to the good ways Oh Lord take me from the darkness to the light of knowledge I will let go of anger I will let go of worry I will give thanks for my many blessings I will do my work honestly I will be kind to every living being I will give gratitude to each and every person i meet Just for today,i will let go of negative thoughts.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My favrt Poem

When thinz go rong , as dey sumtimez will,
When the road u r trudging seemz all uphill,
When d fundz r low n d debtz r high,
n u wan to smile but u hae 2 sigh,
when care iz pressing u down a bit
Rest ,if u muz ..but don u quit...
Life is queer vid itz twistz n turnz,
As every1 of uz sumtime learnz...
n many a failure turnz about....
when he might have won had he stuck it out:
Dont give up though d pace seemz slow-
U might succeed vid another blow.....
Succezz is failure turned inside out.
D silver tint of d cloudz of doubtz..
N u can never tell how close u r...
It may b near when it seemz afar...
So stick 2 d fight when u r hardez hit..
Itz when thinzzz get worse day u mustnt quit...

Dont trust d cloudz ..Trust d sunshine..
.Dont set ur compass by d flash of lighting ..set it by d starz ..
.Trust d sun ..don trust d shadowzz ..Believe in ur dreamz .

. God is Great

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well i thnk dis n amaging poem adorned by spiritual meaningful words!! itz like a msg to one who avoids the thoughts of his subconscious region though he knows dat by following it wonders can actually happen destiny can b changed a new path filled with all the glories can be made.so i think be it a maze or a road of frighful gaze one shud oways go along his ways.