Just for today God: Hanuman ji - The Ocean

Just for today God

Just for today Oh Lord take me from the wrong ways to the good ways Oh Lord take me from the darkness to the light of knowledge I will let go of anger I will let go of worry I will give thanks for my many blessings I will do my work honestly I will be kind to every living being I will give gratitude to each and every person i meet Just for today,i will let go of negative thoughts.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hanuman ji - The Ocean

On Hanuman jyanti With the dust of Guru's lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and then narrate the sacred glory of Bhagwan Ram ji, the giver of four fold attainments of life Peaceful, without any sins, one who gives liberation, Brahma & Shambu have served you greatest of all the devatas, one who is seen in the human form by Maya(brahm is one and only-sabme ek -ek mei sab,can come in any form), one who washes all our sins, full of pity, best and the Greatest of all Shri Ram Ji, I salute you. Give all your divine blessings so that we can free our minds from the
desires of life & sins.
Treasure of great strength, your body is like “Sumeru” the golden mountain, good
qualities are present in you, dearest devotee of Shri Ram ji, I
salute you,son of Vayu bless us with guru bhakti,please guide me to the right path.
Starts from HIS name
Hanu= destroy
man = ego or the desire for respect
so the name “Hanuman” signifies the destruction of ego. In the Vedas Shri Hanumanji symbolizes the divine sound of Aum. His representation of Aum can be found in the ‘Varn Bijkosh’ book where each syllable of Aum corresponds to a syllable of the name Hanuman.
HA=‘A’ of Aum and Bhagwan Vishnu ji
NU=‘U’ of aUm and Bhagwan Shiva ji
MA=‘M’ of auM and Lord Brahma
NA= represents the nasal sound of Aum (depicted by the bindu or dot in Hindi Aum symbol).
Hanuman ji belongs to all ‘varnas
1- Brahman – HE is intellectual
2- Kshatriya – HE is the great warrior
3- Vaishya – HE is prosperous
4- Shudra – HE do seva(nishkaam seva).

Hanumanji also belongs to the four Ashrams
1-Brahmacharya= HE practiced celibacy
2-Grihasth = HE served householders such as King Sugriv and Shri Ram and Maa Sita 3-Banprasth = HE lived separate from the material world and fake fame
4-Sanyas = HE practiced renunciation, dispassion.

Hanumanji is an ideal personality for humanity to emulate. Humanity is complete and perfect if harmony exists among us. Humanity will flourish when every individual has strength in their body, love in their heart and knowledge in their head.
Ram Ji Himself said to Hanuman ji "I am indebted to you. O mighty hero! You did marvellous, superhuman deeds. You did not want anything in return.I will always remain indebted to you. I give you the boon that you will live for ever. All will honour and worship you, like Myself. Your Murti will be placed at the door of My temple and you will be worshipped and honoured first. Wherever My Katha and Kirtan are held, you will be remembered and honoured first. You shall be able to do all that which I Myself cannot do."

Ram ji praised Hanuman ji when HE came back to Ram Ji after finding out Maa Sita in Lanka. Hanuman ji was not a bit elated. HE fell down at the lotus feet of Ram Ji. Ram Ji asked Hanuman ji, "O mighty hero! How did you cross the ocean?" Hanuman ji replied, "By the power and glory of Thy Name, my Lord!" Again Ram Ji asked Hanuman ji, "How did you burn Lanka? How did you save yourself?" Hanuman ji replied, "By Thy grace, my Lord!" Mark here, how humble was Hanuman ji!

Ram Ji tells Vibhishan that any human being who is a
sinner in the world but comes to HIM for shelter, he is always saved (anybody can go through life without pain & difficulty, as Shri
Ram is an Ocean of Peace & happiness.One who has no fear, happiness & pain all
equal, such a man is always dear to HIM)
Shivji told Parvati Maa that Shri Ram,whose name itself had so much strength
that it can free mankind from the cycle of life and death.

Hanuman Ji tells Vibhishan that it is Shri Ram’s nature to always love his bhaktas. HE gives him HIS own example by saying that HE is a monkey who is considered to be low in caste & any person who took their name early morning, would not get food the whole day. Besides all this, Shri Ram has bestowed HIS blessings on us

Tulsi Baba says: “charo yug partap tumahara” - O Hanumanji! You are glorified in all four yugas, ages and periods
Baba bless us all with the divine qualities
Thankyou so so much the Almighty God
Namah Shivaya

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