We come into this world freely(i personaly feel that i am here to express myself) but slowly and surely, our wings get clipped, as we are taught that "this is good", "that is bad", and if we don we start feeling guiltyand many complexes cum within us.
When you block the free flow of energy within you, you feel tired,stressed,problem with immune system, and you erect a barrier that prevents many wonderful things coming into your life.
When you love them and accept them, regardless of how imperfect or undesirable you may have considered them to be,you are becoming free of some unnecessary burden, of baggage you have been carrying around.
You begin to feel lighter,easier,energized,enjoy living, you feel good about yourself, you become healthier, and more importantly, you begin to experience inner peace.
When you include and integrate all that is part of you, there is no longer inner conflict, there is no more inner war, there is no more any friction within you that creates stress - there is only sweet peace.
When you look at your life, you may become aware of many things you did or said, that perhaps you wish you did or said in some other way. You may become aware of many errors you made you wish you haven't.
You may become aware of all sorts of weaknesses and imperfections. And if you look around you, the great news is - we are all in the same boat. All of us have our own weaknesses and imperfections, all of us have done countless things we may wish we did differently.
The only thing any of us can do, at any point in time is simply do our very best. If you commit yourself to do your very best and accept and love all those parts of you that may need some polishing, just like one loves a small child, that is still growing and learning, you will live at peace with yourself and with the world. If you are aware of your own weaknesses and imperfections when you notice them in other people, you may have more compassion, toward yourself and toward other people.
If you accept your human nature, even while you are unfolding spiritually,if you let yourself be,instead of indulging in feelings of guilt, you will also lose the temptation to point fingers at others, you will let them be.
People who tell others "you should be ashamed of this or that", are those who are burdened and tormented with feelings of guilt, hoping that if they can make someone else feel guilty, they could feel better about themselves, but they never do, until they learn to accept themselves just the way they are.
When you fully and completely accept yourself, then it won't matter what anyone else says or thinks about you, because you will be at peace with yourself. If you have accepted all that you have judged as "good" and "bad" about you and someone says that something you did was "bad", you can acknowledge that you could've done better, love yourself just the way you are, and if you feel that you need to change something about you, change when you are ready.
Sit,relax..close eyes and feel that your head is touching blue beautiful sky and say to yourself ---move on with life and keep on doing best---
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