Just for today God: A Human Life -Its purpose

Just for today God

Just for today Oh Lord take me from the wrong ways to the good ways Oh Lord take me from the darkness to the light of knowledge I will let go of anger I will let go of worry I will give thanks for my many blessings I will do my work honestly I will be kind to every living being I will give gratitude to each and every person i meet Just for today,i will let go of negative thoughts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Human Life -Its purpose

The only purpose Of A human life Should be to attain Spiritual enlightenment -To know your Self-Not as a human But as the being,As you really are,And There Is no other purpose Of A human life.And If you think that Spiritual enlightenment Is not
The only purpose of a human life
And there are or can be
Other purposes of a human life
You are not wrong.
You are right.
For why should you
Not think like this?
It is not your fault,
You have never been taught
The purpose of a human life,
To discriminate
Wrong and right,
That is why
You are not wrong
You are right.
Absolutely right!
If you think that
The quest for
Spiritual enlightenment
Has nothing to do with the
‘Real life’
Is a waste of time,
Idealism, not practical,
Escapism, absurd, weir,
Useless, stupid, imagined,
And makes no sense at all;
You are not wrong.
You are right.
Absolutely right!

You have lived in darkness throughout
And have got used
To living in the dark,
Never seen or heard about light,
For you, darkness is light,
And if
You have no regrets about
Not seeking light-
Are you wrong or are you right?
I think you are right,
Absolutely right!
If you are not seeking light,
It’s not your fault,
You have never been taught
To discriminate between
Darkness and light.
You have seen darkness only,
You have never seen light.
That’s why,
You are not wrong,
You are right,
Absolutely right!
Leave aside
The practical experience
Spiritual enlightenment,
The wonder is
That you are not clear
-Even theoretically-
About your hidden dimensions,
Untapped and leashed potential.
If you, ever in your life,
Become slightly aware
Or even hazily clear
About the real purpose of your life
-Even theoretically-
At that very moment
You will be wonderstruck
And jolted out
Of your ego, arrogance and pride!
At that very instant,
You will realize,
The pettiness, hollowness and futility
Of all your present pursuits
And the shallowness of your life!
But if
You are not in a hurry
To attain
Spiritual Enlightenment,
If you do not worry
Spiritual Enlightenment,
You are not wrong
You are right
It is not your fault,
You have never been taught
The purpose of human life,
To discriminate between
The choice is always yours,
For your life is always yours,
And the choice you take,
Is the destiny you make.

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