Just for today God: Shiv Yog

Just for today God

Just for today Oh Lord take me from the wrong ways to the good ways Oh Lord take me from the darkness to the light of knowledge I will let go of anger I will let go of worry I will give thanks for my many blessings I will do my work honestly I will be kind to every living being I will give gratitude to each and every person i meet Just for today,i will let go of negative thoughts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shiv Yog

Shiv meanz infinite and Yog means unite..I attaind three coursez in delhi shivir By Babaji"s grace --
1- Siddha Dhyan & Healing- This course is about living a happy, healthy and a successful life. Here you learn about your origin, where you have come from, how you got trapped in the world of maya and what you can do today to be free of these illusions and go back to your natural state of Sidhatva or divine perfection and joy.

2-Shambhavi Dhayan $ healing -This is the Divine Healing Power of Shiva’s third eye. One experiences a continuous flow of divine fire from both the eyes and third eye. Enormous heat is generated and all the diseases and Karmic factors are burnt.Shambhavi can also be used to create powerful protective shield and avert any psychic attack. One can protect not only oneself but also house and factories etc., Even goal manifestation results by Shambhavi are very quick.

3-Sri Vidya Sadhna -This is the most sacred of all Sadhnas. Sri Vidya is the sadhna of Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra. Goddess Lalita Tripur Sundari is the presiding deity of the Sri Chakra. She is the bestower of ‘Bhog’ and ‘Moksha’.

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